New Update on Revanced YouTube 19.21.40: Changelog & Features

Version 19.21.40 – Released on 6/13/2024

The Revanced team has rolled out a significant update for YouTube with the release of version 19.21.40. This update brings several enhancements, bug fixes, and new features to improve your YouTube and YouTube Music experience. Here’s a detailed breakdown of what’s new:

Key Updates

  1. YouTube Version 19.21.40
  2. Music (arm64-v8a) Version 7.05.52
  3. Music (arm-v7a) Version 7.05.52

New Features and Improvements

Non-Root Usage with MicroG

To use the non-root version of YouTube or YouTube Music, you will need to install MicroG. MicroG acts as a bridge that allows you to use these apps without root access, providing more flexibility and ease of use.

Block Play Store Updates

To prevent the Play Store from automatically updating your YouTube and YouTube Music apps, use zygisk-detach. This tool helps in blocking unwanted updates, ensuring that your customized app settings and features remain intact.

Version: 19.21.40 Version: 7.05.52 Version: 7.05.52 Version: v1.20.1

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